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The Re-Taking of Kate

Book 2 in the Journey Into Submission trilogy



Kate and Miles talk on the phone...


“While I’ll never understand how we are what we are, I’ve finally accepted what my soul has been trying to tell me all along. What we have is real and I want to share it with you.”


She heard his sigh of joy at her unequivocal acceptance of their love.


“I kinda knew this from the tone in your voice, darling!" She could almost see him smiling.


Yet her body was his. He knew it. And she knew it.


They were different sides of one coin. He was loving, yet strong. She was loving, yet soft. Together, even though limited to the phone, they soared night after night with their joy. She gave herself and he took her in an endless dance of love and arousal. She could not wait till he was there.



The Re-Taking of Kate

Book 2 in the Journey Into Submission trilogy


Miles and Kate neet


After this brief pause as they both adjusted to the reality that they were finally together, she watched him laugh with unrestrained joy. He threw his bag inside the door. He stepped forward, pulling her body hard against his. He took her face in his hands. She melted against him. The love she felt for him trembled inside her as he pressed his lips down against hers.


Her mind went limp. Her heart rate leapt. She did not feel herself climb up his body and wrap herself around him. It was no longer of any importance if she looked sexily tousled. Nothing mattered but the rush of joy that swept her away.


Dimly, she heard the front door slam shut behind them. She was lost inside herself and was riding the release from the pent-up emotions of their enforced separation. Somewhere far away she heard the sound of table ornaments being swept to the floor. A part of her mind chided herself for not anticipating this.


She did not listen. She could not listen. She was soaring. She felt the coolness of wood along her back. She felt his lips pressed hard down onto her lips and hers squirming uncontrollably against his.


Hands pushed up her dress. In seconds, fingers pushed aside the lace panties she has spent many minutes selecting. She was opened. She was touched. And the flare of joy and lust arced between them. His fingers were urgent and unstoppable. His tinder, lying on the table, burst into flames.

The Phone

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